Monday, August 28, 2017

International cooperation addresses the containment of the unwanted impact of economic globalization, by broad-spectrum actions also targeting social and cultural issues.

The critical points of the tuning and integration of different perspectives and expectations - coexisting in economic growth - are also opportunities for the establishing acquaintance and partnerships between peoples.

Implementation of specific initiatives of solidarity and cooperation - a part solving the technical issues at stake – has to build local skills and ignites the mobilization of beneficiaries towards the improvement of their conditions.

Technical and managerial knowledge and skills are spread quite everywhere, their integration can be often achieved by the injection of a well targeted external contribution, within a limited timeframe.

Thus, beneficiaries’ empowerment and ownership in the knowledge and skills mobilized by a project are the core and rational of cooperation initiatives.

The dynamic process of acquisition of such knowledge and skills - the task of many stakeholders – should be built on the continuous learning and updating of the sustaining agency, in the professional, cultural and legal fields.

Goal of Orizzonte Terra is the involvement of people and organizations, with different histories and purposes, in tackling specific issues and in streamlining updated knowledge and skills into the participatory elaboration and implementation of solutions.

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