Monday, August 28, 2017

- the promotion of a culture of solidarity between peoples, of international cooperation and of voluntarism, as tools for the sustainable global development and for the prevention of conflicts;
- the raising of awareness of the public, the authorities and the economic, cultural and social world, in Europe and overseas – in relation to the sharing of ethic, solidarity and common interests, in the frame of international treaties;
- the promotion and deployment of communication campaigns and of cultural, information and educational initiatives for the preservation and valorization of the human rights, the ecosystems and cultural heritage; the rational use of resources; the prevention of conflicts; the respect of local cultures and ethnic identities; the governance and the sustainable socio-economic development, at the local, national and international level;
- the design and implementation of promotional and fund raising initiatives, directed to sustain social and solidarity activities, in Europe and overseas;
- the promotion of synergies between public and private stakeholders, and inside the private sector itself, in order to undertake practical actions directed to the social and economic development of the vulnerable sectors of the population, in emerging countries and where people are afflicted by natural disasters and human conflicts;

- the supply of technical assistance, goods and other services to public and private organizations, as well as to associations and other bodies operating in the cooperation field, at the local, national and international level

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